This has been one very busy week.
My road trip to Los Angeles. At first I was reluctant to make the drive. But I did it without any problems on the way down. I had enough time to stop several times, the last to change clothes before my fitting at the Culver Studios for the Ricki Lake Show. The next day was the filming. IIt was fantastic. The experience was everything you would think it would be. I wore a Classic outfit, stylish trench coat, blue and white stripe top, wide leg jeans and wedge platforms. Accessorized with dark sunglasses, gold chain chocker and gold watch. For a moment, we thought we would be rewarded with the outfits we wore, but as it turned out, that was not meant to be. I will post the air date which is set for some time in October.
The drive back was a little hectic. In my efforts to get back in time to nap before my evening shoot, I unfortunately received a speeding ticket. Enough said about that. Don't want to dwell on anything negative.
Speaking of the evening shoot, it was fantastic! Where else can you get paid to eat, drink and be merry. The food was beyond delicious. I got to work with a wonderful cast and crew. I knew two of my cast mates and made friends with the others. I can't wait to see the final cut.
Unfortunately, had to pass on a project for Thursday for Container Wars. I do have to devote some time to my legal practice.
Meeting on Friday regarding the audition for a reality show. Will keep you posted on that opportunity. The audition for this is set for next Sunday. Have to find a very trendy outfit to wear which will reflects my "winning"personaility and fashion style.
I have an audition for World's Astonishing News on Saturday for the role of the mother that faked her daughter's death so that she could extend her vacation. Also, booked projects for Sunday and Monday. Have my follow up interview with Marla Dell on Tuesday. I like being busy doing something I love.
I'm enjoying this wonderful experience. I feel very blessed to be in this situation. I am anxiously looking towards the future. Things seem to be happening for me. I plan to be in a position to take advantage of every opportunity that comes my way.
Stay tuned.