It has taken me about ten days to come to terms with a recent disappointment.  But now I can put the entire situation in perspective.

You cannot be thin skinned in this business.  Most of the time, it's not about you but rather about reasonable business decisions that must be made.  However, sometimes you can't help feeling disappointed about the way some situations shake out.

Case in point, you're cast to play a role in a feature film.  You get your shoot day and you then organize the rest of your month around the shoot date.  Then out of the blue, you hear that you were given the wrong shoot dates.  It's not as if I can reschedule my August calendar.  I relied upon that date to set other matters, both personal and professional.

Unfortunately, I was not available for the correct shoot date, as previously mentioned, I scheduled everything around the wrong date that was given to me.  Therefore, within 24 hours of learning of the wrong date, the director was unwilling to reschedule the shoot to a more conveient date and I was replaced in the production.

It's tough sometime to remember when one door closes, another one opens.